Death to weed wackers

Death to small gas motors.Weed Wackers, leaf blowers, hedge trimmers, power washers, string trimmers.Yard power tools. I hate them.They fill the air with noise, dust and fumes.Bring back the rake, broom, and brush cutters.So it seems like it takes longer.BFD.Give me back some peace.


So my father died on March 6, 2015. He was 86 years old.He was in a beautiful hospice room overlooking an artificial lagoon.By the time he arrived there on March 3rd, he had no idea where he was.My mother, sister and I enjoyed the view.The lagoon had an assortment of life circulating around, mullet, manatee’s… Continue reading Passing

Post election rambling

Well we made it through another election.Of course the dust will take a while to settle.In more than a few cases, victory comes down to just a few votes.49 to 51 percent is more often than not the final percentages.Landslides do happen, especially when a candidate runs unopposed. The percentages always make me wonder.I am… Continue reading Post election rambling

Chasing an honest page

It seems like more and more established web sites are relying upon Click bait stories.Relying on Click Bait for what, you might ask.I am guessing that many have been bought up by investors looking for established traffic to generate revenue.Should I feel some sort of loss, when a source of information I have enjoyed/expected more… Continue reading Chasing an honest page


About time for some more filler. So, with Amazon throwing their weight around  I find it even more difficult to want to shop there. It is tough to pass up a loss leader with free shipping. But they will remain the vendor of last resort. In many ways Amazon is a lot like Wallmart, cheap… Continue reading Amazon?

Time to get a dash cam

I am currently enjoying a fairly short commute.It is between two and six miles, ten to twenty minutes.I have been witnessing an increasing number of really blatant traffic violations.Passing stopped school buses, turning left at red lights, running solid red traffic lights.All in a short commute. So I have decided to buy and install a… Continue reading Time to get a dash cam

The Walk

Last night I was out walking the dogs.It is an everyday routine.Two or three times a day.Almost every day for years.It is a task that I enjoy.I look forward to the walk, even if I really don’t feel up to being outside.The dogs seem to enjoy a walk. It is good for all of us.… Continue reading The Walk

A Modest Proposal for traffic safety.

The GPS receiver has become a must have accessory for many automobile owners. Its amazing powers of location coupled with an accurate map can help to guide the most directionally challenged to their destination.The problem arises  when the GPS’s internal map no longer matches the reality of the road.Updates are available from the manufacturers, usually… Continue reading A Modest Proposal for traffic safety.

In the spirit of easter

So today was a slow day. I ripped old vinyl to FLAC’s.Got them on the NAS so I can enjoy them again.The workflow took a while to get used to.I am using Audacity, a right nice product. Version 2.0 was just released a couple of weeks ago.It would be nice to have something that would… Continue reading In the spirit of easter


Once again, letting a couple of days lapse between musings. When I saw Curate used in story about a selection of coffee in a shop I had to bite my tongue. I don’t want to seem obsessed, so I will drop that train of thought. My very short drive to work offers a postage stamp… Continue reading Commuting