A walk in the park

A black paved path in a wooded area. The path extends in a straight line. The trees are bare and the sky is gray.

Ruby and I went for a walk at a local nature preserve.
It’s pretty easy. 3km out and back. Flat asphalt walkway, with an optional 1km dirt loop path.
We usually take the loop both ways.
It was a grey day with just a few folks out walking.
In the distance I noticed a disturbance coming towards us.
It was a group of four small kids wearing roller skates. They were not very proficient, they also had an adult handler looking at a phone.
Hmmm, excitable little dog who has issues with wheeled things being presented with a noisy bunch of wheeled kids.
We decided to take a side trail for a moment. As the kids approached I heard them, Outside voices, talking.
“Every time we see a doggie, they disappear”, and then “Where did they go?”
After they passed we came out of the side path. “There they Are!”.
The rest of the walk was pretty quiet.

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