Cleaning and Thinking

Cleaning and thinking

I had been looking for a dust cloth for a couple of days.
The family room had some visible dust and it was starting to bug me but the surfaces were sensitive so I wanted a proper dust rag.
I finally got around to looking in the right place and grabbed a couple.
The places I noticed were pretty small and after I cleaned them I then moved on to other surfaces. The family room has several book cases, I decided to clean the fronts and pushed the books to the back of the shelf. As I was pulling them back I looked at the spines.
Jennifer bought a lot of books over the years. A lot of fiction and biographies.
Self help and health. Philosophy and faith stuff too.
It was hard for her. For years she ( we ) went through cycles of diminishing health, improvement and the realization that improvement was incremental and impermanent.
She bought books that offered hope, some clue that might help get through to the next round of incremental improvement in her condition. Some of the books were ‘quack medicine’ that sold well when they came out, but eventually were debunked and replaced by other things.
She was surviving, not thriving. But she tried. And tried.

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