Batteries these days, Geeze!
Not cell phone batteries, just the ones that power all those various items around the house that you have grown to depend upon.
It Seems that the life span of the common Alkaline battery, AA, AAA, C has declined drastically over the past few years.
I don’t think that I am exaggerating this trend.
I have tried all of the usual brands with big marketing budgets, house brand, and no name generics.
The device being powered has not changed, in fact it does not Seem to matter what the device does.
A thermostat, clock, remote, mouse, flashlight, what have you.
A cynic might assume that the manufactures of battery cells are trying to increase their revenue stream by making us buy more frequently.
Not surprisingly, newer ‘models’ of the familiar brands have come on the market with much higher prices. They promise longer life in a device.
And they do deliver on that promise, to the extent that their life span closely resembles the battery of a couple of years ago.
So I can buy a package of the basic ( same old packaging and marketing ) batteries and end up replacing cells after only a few months use, where the previous cells would have lasted years in the same device.
I just replaced 4 ‘C’ cell rayovac alkaline batteries in an LED spotlight. They replace 4 rayovac alkaline batteries purchased and installed in February 2016. The LED motion detecting spotlight was installed July 2012. The batteries lasted for 3 and 1/2 years before replacement in February. Same brand.
I have used rechargeable AAA and AA cells in various devices over the years. NiCad, NiMh, and ‘rechargeable alkaline ‘.
They work ok, and in the right application are acceptable. Often you need a battery now, not having to wait till the rechargeable ‘tops off’ after sitting around.
So. Just venting. Unless I decide to make my own batteries I will just have to play the game.
If I need a battery that will work when I need it I will pay the eye popping prices to ‘Real batteries’ rather than playing roulette with the common models.